
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha 1428 H



Setelah lama, mulei menjelang akhir puasa kemarin ga ngeblog rasanya kangen juga, gara-gara typus merajalela sama dokter akhirnya disarankan istirahat total, sampe2 puasanya bocor 4 hari dan sampai sekarang belum ketambal juga. Untuk kawan, musuh besar,handai taulan yang lebaran kemarin belum sempat ketemu, saya sampaikan Mohon Ma'af Lahir Bathin, Semoga Allah menerima semua ibadah kita.

Google Adsense Di Antara Postingan Blogger

Kalau dulu mau menampilkan iklan di antara postingan blogger harus nge-hack sekarang sudah ada versi sohihnya dari sohibul blogger, begini hikayatnya: Buka Template tab dan klik Page Elements link. Klik Edit di bagian Blog Posts. Centang Show Ads Between Posts (Tampilkan Iklan Di Antara Posting; Blogger Indonesia). Lihat Gambar, perhatikan yang dilingkari merah. Pastikan konfigurasi iklan yang ditampilkan sesuai dengan desain blog kita dengan mengutak-atik konfigurasi iklan inline di bagian bawah, klik Save Changes when you're done kalau sudah yakin.

Ramadhan Ini

Marhaban Ramadhan...
Awal Ramadhan ini Engkau telah menguji saudara-saudara kami
Cukupkan Ramadhan ini sebagai tobat kami

Warning Virus

17 Agustus KemArin dapat YM dari sasikirana_#### kayak gini: Mohon perhatian ...! Seseorang dengan ID Yahoo= ver_bbn06 hendak menambahkan anda di Yahoo Mesanger ..JANGAN DITERIMA , itu adalah virus yg paling powerfull. Beritahu semua orang yg ada di list YM anda , sebab jika mereka menambahkan ,maka anda juga mendapat virus tersebut. Beritahu smua orang di list anda untuk tidak membuka kiriman apapun , dari pempek_timun , avangelint_saint, squdra_boyz, ray_silverlight. .....ID yahoo itu merupakan virus yang menyerang langsung ke hardisk. Sampaikan pesan ini ke setiap orang dalam list YM anda. Silahkan klik kanan pada daftar group name dan klik "send message to all

Sekali Merdeka Tetap Merdeka


MS Word 2007

Salah satu yang saya rasakan kecanggihan dari MS Office Word 2007 dari pada versi sebelumnya adalah kemampuan bikin desain-desain simpel dan picture effectnya. Untuk ngasih efek pada gambar yang kita kehendaki langkahnya hampir sama dengan versi sebelumnya, yaitu: insert picture, klik kanan pada gambar pilih format picture, nah di sini kita mulai main-main dengan gambar kita. Termasuk, hajat kita untuk membuat button effect bisa terpenuhi dari sini. Atau kalo ga mau begitu langsung dari bar juga bisa, klik gambar cari barnya format, tinggal pilih mau diapakan gambar kita. Coba aja !

Blogger Bahasa Indonesia

Kalau kemarin-kemarin blogger belum bahasa Indonesia, tampaknya mereka masih blajar bahasa Indonesia, dan akhirnya sekarang karena sudah lancar bahasa Indonesia maka jadilah di blogger ada pilihan bahasa Indonesia. Hidup Indonesia!!

Tampilan Adsense Baru

Tampilan Baru Adsense , kalau yang ini yang pake bahasa Arab. Tapi pas masuk ternyata ujang-ujungnya pake bahasa Enggeris Amerika.

Harddisk Eksternal

Sudah sebulan lebih ini sering nenteng External HDD, dulu belinya pertama cuma harddisk 80 gb sekenan, trus akhirnya tak belikan casingnya merk imax biar jadi hardisk eksternal, sering juga dipinjam temen untuk backup data besar. Ya ada enak dan ga enaknya, kalu untuk file gede enak, gak enaknya ribet gak sepraktis USB Flashdisk.

Film Yang Paling Ditunggu


Postingan Terpotong Read More

Dalam satu halaman blog yang menampilkan beberapa postingan akan tampak terlalu memanjang ke bawah, di blogger keadaan tersebut bisa di atasi dengan memotong postingan dengan tulisan Read More atau tulisan apa saja.

lengkapnya di

Posisi Blog Indonesia di Technorati

Technorati, mesin pelacak blog, melacak setidaknya ada 70 juta weblog atau blog di dunia saat ini dan sekitar 120 ribu blog baru lahir setiap hari. “Atau sekitar 1,4 blog dibuat dalam setiap detik,” ujar bos Technorati David Sifry dalam The State of The Live Web.

Tetapi sayang, blog-blog yang menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia masih belum mampu tampil sebagai blog yang dominan di dunia — tapi masuk dalam kelompok Other alias Dan Lain-lain.

Menurut Sifry, justru blog-blog yang menggunakan Bahasa Jepang yang berjaya dengan persentase 37 persen (naik dari posisi 33 persen), disusul Bahasa Inggris 36 persen (turun dari 39 persen). Turunnya peringkat Bahasa Inggris memang agak mengherankan, sebab blog-blog berbahasa Inggris juga disumbang oleh blogger-blogger berbagai negara di dunia (di luar negara-negara pengguna utama Bahasa Inggris).

Bahasa Cina menempati posisi ketiga (8 persen), Bahasa Italia dan Spanyol (3 persen) dan diikuti oleh Bahasa Rusia dan Perancis (2 persen).

Yang mengejutkan adalah munculnya pendatang baru: Bahasa Parsi yang nangkring di peringkat ke-10. Sangat menarik mengamati perkembangan blog di Timur Tengah khususnya Iran.

Tips: Teruslah ngeblog dan ayo lejitkan posisi Indonesia di Technorati! Semakin banyak orang Indonesia yang ngeblog –dalam bahasa Indonesia, tentu — semakin banyak content berbahasa Indonesia yang di-index dan di-ping oleh Technorati — dan (tentu saja) Google.
Sumber TheGadgetNet

Radiasi Pupuk Kompos

Ya begini nasib makhluk kena radiasi pupuk kompos, tapi ngomong2 lamaaaa gak posting di blog ini, soalnya lagi konsen di solusifiqih, ama ngulik-ngulik template read more di nyahnyoh. Ada yang baru di blog ini yaitu newsreel (liat Berita Anget)dan Vidio Bar (Liat Pidio di bawah)

Tanggal 5 Februari 2006 nyoba ikut lomba poster yang diadakan Komisi Pesantren Anti Narkoba bekerja sama dengan PP. Al Munawwir Krapyak Yogyakarta

Beasiswa Dalam Negeri Sampoerna Management Scholarship Program 2007

What is Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate in Management Scholarship Program?

The Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate in Management Scholarship Program is a mean to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides full scholarships to a maximum of 10 (ten) outstanding young Indonesians who demonstrate excellent academic, professional, personal and leadership qualities to pursue Magister Management or Master of Business Administration degree at leading business schools in Indonesia as recommended by Sampoerna Foundation.

What are the requirements?

A. Basic Requirements

Applicant must satisfy ALL of the following conditions:
Indonesian citizen
Under 30 year old when lodging the application
Hold a Bachelor degree in any discipline from an Indonesian tertiary institution with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale)
Have a minimum of two-year full-time professional work experience after the completion of their undergraduate degree when lodging the application.
Have valid proof (validity of two years) of an Institutional TOEFL with a minimum score of 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer based)*
Have valid proof (validity of two years) of an Academic Potential Test (TPA) with a minimum score of 550**
Not currently enrolled in graduate or post-graduate program or school, or has already obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent.
Not enrolled or graduated from an overseas tertiary institution unless was on a full scholarship.
Not in receipt of another equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.
Demonstrate they are from financially disadvantaged family and that without the scholarship he/she will not be able to study for a graduate degree.

B. Further Requirements
Demonstrate leadership potential.
Demonstrate interest in and commitment to community and national development.
Attend all stages of selection process conducted by Sampoerna Foundation and the examinations conducted by the recommended university(ies).
Comply with the application for scholarship rules and regulations as stipulated by Sampoerna Foundation, partner institution for each respective program, and the university.
What is covered?

This full-time scholarship is worth approximately between IDR 70.000.000 – IDR 110.000.000 per student, depending on the university, for the duration of study and covers:
University application fee reimbursement;
TOEFL & TPA reimbursement;
Tuition fees;
Living allowance;
Book and internet allowance;
Research/thesis allowance;
Graduation fee.
When to apply?

Stage Timeline
Application Deadline June 30th, 2007
Paper Selection and Announcement of Results 3rd week of August
Panel Interview, Group Discussion, Outbound and Home Visit 1st week of September
Final Review and Finalists` Announcement 3rd week of September
University admission December – January 2008
MM Program starts February 2008
Winners’ Announcement and Orientation May 2008
Program Orientation
May 2008

List of Universities
Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung
MBA Program, School of Business and Management
Jl. Gelap Nyawang No. 1, Bandung 40132
Tel. 022- 2504308 / 2534255
Fax. 022- 2504897

Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
Magister Management Program
Jl. Teknika Utara, Yogyakarta 55281
Tel. 0274-511035-6, 515536, 562222
Fax. 0274-564388

Indonesian Institute for Management Development, Jakarta
Magister Management Program
IPMI Building
Jl. Rawajati Timur I/1, Kalibata, Jakarta 12750
Tel. 021-7970419
Fax. 021-7970374

Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Jakarta
Magister Manajement Program
Jl. R.A. Kartini, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430
Tel. 021-7511126, 7500463, 7657257
Fax. 021-7511143

Padjadjaran University, Bandung
Magister Manajement Program
Jl. Dipati Ukur 35, Bandung 40132
Tel. 022-2509585, 2513168, 2534389
Fax. 022-2509586

University of Indonesia, Jakarta
Magister Manajement Program
Jl. Salemba Raya 4, Jakarta 10430
Tel. 021-3103976-8, 3106990
Fax. 021-3923954

Prospective applicants are advised to contact the universities directly to find out about the admission process and requirements for an enrolment.

How to apply?

Before applying, the applicants must read and understand the terms and conditions of the scholarship, including SF policy about Alumni Contribution Scheme. For further explanation, please visit our website at or call us at 021 577 2340

Application/reference forms, requirements, terms and conditions, and instructions can be read and downloaded from or obtained directly from Sampoerna Foundation office:

Sampoerna Strategic Square
Tower B, 3rd Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kavling 45
Jakarta 12930

Further information on:
The Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)
Menara Imperium 28th floor, Suite B
Metropolitan Kuningan Superblok Kav. 1
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12980, Indonesia
Tel. 021-8317330, Fax. 021-8317331

Jl. Taman Suropati 2, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel. 021- 390-5650

Beasiswa Ke Jerman

Germany: Undergraduate Scholarships at European College of Liberal Arts 2007-2008
Germany: Undergraduate Scholarships at European College of Liberal Arts, Berlin

The European College of Liberal Arts (ECLA) offers a one-year undergraduate program in the humanities.
The academic year runs for nine months from early October to late June and is divided into three ten-week terms: Autumn, Winter and Spring.
The Academy Year program is an introduction to the theory and practice of interdisciplinary learning.
A core curriculum in philosophy, history, literature, political theory and the visual arts is team-taught by faculty with background in these disciplines.
The core course uses a lecture/seminar/tutorial format, and students learn through discussion in small groups, writing assignments and one-to-one tutorials.
The core course begins with the classic texts of ancient Greece and has a loosely chronological structure through the three terms, with particular focus on selected historical periods.
Key authors who feature in the course include Aristotle, Dante, Descartes, Dostoyevsky, Homer, Hume, Kafka, Kant, Kierkegaard, Machiavelli, Montaigne, Nietzsche, Pascal, Plato and Shakespeare.
Elective courses in a range of disciplines including art history, film theory, literary theory, music and performance art complement the core curriculum.
Students take the core course (six credits), one elective course (three credits) and one foreign language (two credits).
Students who have not mastered German are required to enroll in a German language class, while others may choose between French or Spanish.
The Seeing Berlin component of the program gives students and faculty the opportunity to explore together Berlin’s artistic and architectural treasures.
The program includes visiting the city’s many museums as well as lesser-known public and private collections and galleries.
In addition, faculty organizes visits to concerts, plays, films and lectures.
A one-week study trip to Italy complements the Winter term’s emphasis on the Renaissance.
Students prepare presentations and lead some of the excursions in a practical exercise of the kind of learning in which they engage in the classroom.
The comprehensive fee of 15.000 EUR covering tuition, accommodation and full board, the study trip, public transportation in Berlin, emergency health insurance coverage, books (on loan) and computer and Internet access, is 15.000 EUR.
ECLA has a need-based financial aid policy and is committed to giving all applicants who qualify for admission a chance to enroll, regardless of their financial means.
Financial aid packages vary in amount and are based on applicants’ demonstrated need.
There are two application deadlines: February 15th 2007 and April 30th 2007.
For further information contact the Admissions Office at For information about financial aid contact the Financial Aid Office at
Applications for the academic year 2007-08 are now being accepted.
Undergraduate Scholarships at European College of Liberal Arts -

Selamat Tahun Baru 1428 H

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